Master Plants Diets

Master Plants

Since 2017, when we initially launched our facility, we have been giving Master Plant isolation diets (‘dietas’ in Spanish) such as Chiric Sanango, Uchu Sanango, Bobinsana, Remo Caspi, Chuchuhuasi, Ayahuma, and Ajo Sacha. We take these diets extremely seriously and follow customary procedures while implementing them. After working with Ayahuasca in group ceremonial settings, dieting a Master Plant is a spiritual rite of passage that is the next step of recovery.

It’s not unusual to feel “called” to work with particular plants. Many of our visitors have been quite clear about which diet would be most beneficial to them after reading about and engaging with the plants. Occasionally, though, we are “asked” to undertake an isolation dieta without knowing which Master Plant to use. In this scenario, our shaman and team will assist you in locating the appropriate Master Plant for your healing. Our staff can explain how the plants can aid your healing wishes, and the shaman can do an energy reading to determine which Master Plant is ideal for you right now.

We are happy to lead you through this historic rite of passage, regardless of how you came to us.

From start to finish, all of our Master Plant diets involve complete attention, focus, and discipline. Before and after entering into seclusion, the diets begin and conclude with an Ayahuasca ritual. Dieting visitors will be closely monitored throughout the duration of their seclusion, which will last 8 to 10 days, and will receive expert assistance from the Shaman and facilitators. Our isolation dietas correspond to the dates of our 11-day Ayahuasca retreats.

Please keep in mind that ‘Master Plant’ diets are for for people who have had prior Ayahuasca experience and desire to take their self-healing to the next level. These diets are for those who have a strong attraction to a particular plant or who believe a plant-based diet can help them treat a certain condition. We’ll conduct a thorough screening to ensure that an isolated diet is a suitable fit for everyone involved.


11 Day Isolation Diet

Private room

  • 4 Ayahuasca Ceremonies
  • Shamanic Consultation
  • Customized Master Plant Diet Program
  • Harvesting and Preparing your Master Plant for Diet
  • Ajo Sacha Welcome Bath
  • Solitary Jungle Tambo w/ Bath
  • All Meals, Water, and Tea
  • One-on-One Integration Support co-lead with Shaman During Retreat
  • Post-program Counseling for Integration with Master Transformational Trainer
  • Pick Up/Return to Iquitos
  • Dinner with your group the night before entering the jungle
  • Virtual gathering with your facilitator

Dieting Master Plants


When a Master Plant is dieted, the usual isolation and dietary limitations apply. The medicinal plant or tree is prepared and steeped in water for up to 8 hours for each dosage. For the first three days of the diet, the dosage is given at 5:30 a.m. For the length of the seclusion, our Curandero will place an arcana (protection) on the dieter. Mapacho smoke is frequently used to cleanse and concentrate the dieter during the diet. Rice, eggs, fish, and plantains are the only foods consumed during the day. Every meal is cooked and delivered with affection, with no salt or oil added.

In order to focus on introspection and awareness of the emotions being released, the dieter must remain isolated. During this isolation diet, journaling is recommended. Bathing is suggested often throughout the diet to cleanse and cool the body from the toxins generated. When it’s time to end the diet, the Shaman will give the dieter a salt mouthwash and let them to rejoin the group and civilization.

Plant-Based Master Diets We Offer

Chiric Sanango

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow is another name for Chiric Sanango (Brunfelsia grandiflora). In the upper Amazon basin, including our land, Chiric Sanango grows naturally. The Quechua term “Chiric” means “itchy” or “tickling,” referring to the peppery feeling of the beverage when ingested. Colds and arthritis are treated with this root by Amazonian shamans. It is claimed to aid in the healing of shattered hearts and the cooling down of furious or envious hearts. It is also thought to help people develop a stronger sense of self, or’self-esteem,’ and confidence. It promotes emotional healing while also increasing mental clarity.

Dizziness, disorientation, chills, weakness or weariness, and emotional outbursts are some of the most common side effects that dieters may encounter. These are the results of the medication purging the body of toxins and bad energy. By the third day of the diet, the most severe physical discomfort is usually gone. Chiric Sanango is noted for continuing to function after the dieter has fallen asleep, creating a colorful dream world. While this element can be enlightening and restorative for the dieter, it can also be stressful since vivid dreams might disturb deep sleep.

Uchu Sanango

Abuelo Sanango (Tabernaemontana sananho) is another name for Uchu Sanango (Tabernaemontana sananho). It’s a well-known Master Plant that thrives in the upper Amazonian basin as well as on the grounds of the RHC. “Peppery” or “Fiery” Sanango is another name for Uchu Sanango. It moves through the body with a “hot” energy, burning negative energy at the cellular level. It also has a fiery and spicy flavor. It is used as a health tonic to cure a variety of diseases. It can help in the healing and realignment of the muscular and skeletal systems, and it is used as a febrifuge (fever reducer), emetic, diuretic, and calmative by the locals.

Uchu Sanango works on restoring the body on a cellular level and is also known to aid in memory enhancement. The alkaloids present in this plant help to reset neural pathways, allowing neurotransmitters to be received, thereby enhancing memory.

Uchu Sanango aids in memory improvement and works on healing the body on a cellular level. This plant’s alkaloids aid to reset brain circuits, allowing neurotransmitters to be received and therefore improving memory.

The effects of this Master Plant can knock a dieter off their feet, make them weak and disoriented, and produce vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, blurred eyesight, and an electrical “buzzing” sensation throughout the body. The Uchu is restoring the physical body on a cellular level with this experience. The most severe physical pain is generally gone by the third day of the diet. This sensation is the Uchu operating on a cellular level to restore the physical body. By the third day of the diet, the most severe physical discomfort is usually gone.

Dieters can anticipate to have lucid dreams at night and to be in a dreamy state while waking.

Dieters can anticipate to have lucid dreams at night and to be in a dreamy state while waking. This is the optimal state for the Sanango spirit to unite with the dieter and communicate.


Chuchuhuasi (Maytenus laevis) is a massive Amazon rainforest canopy tree with huge leaves (10-30 cm), little white flowers, and a thick reddish-brown bark that reaches to 30 meters tall. Chuchuhuasi means “trembling back” in Spanish, referring to its long-time usage by natives to treat arthritis, rheumatism, and back discomfort. Chuchuhuasi is also said to be an aphrodisiac and tonic by the locals. In the Peruvian Amazon, it’s also used for adrenal support, immunological stimulation, diarrhea and hemorrhoids treatment, and menstrual balance and management. The bark was identified to have significant immune-stimulating qualities late last century, and study revealed anti-inflammatory and analgesic characteristics.

Chuchuhuasi is a spiritual instructor in strength and joy, among its numerous physiologically reparative features. You will feel more active and lucid after diet its bark. Chuchuhuasi is felt throughout the body during an isolation dieta, and the sensations it produces are often happy and agreeable.

Remo Caspi

Paddle Tree (Aspidosperma excelsum), commonly known as Remo Caspi. The popular name Remo Caspi comes from the fact that people have traditionally used the wood from this tree to make boat paddles. Malaria and other fevers have historically been treated using the root bark of the Remo Caspi tree. The indigenous peoples of the Amazon have also chewed on the stem bark or leaf stems to ease toothaches. It improves digestion and aids in the removal of “air” imblances from the body. Remo Caspi has an aphrodisiac reputation among the locals, since one of its numerous properties includes the capacity to help with erectile dysfunction.

Remo Caspi is a powerful Master Plant that rebalances and strengthens the body in a variety of ways. Remo Caspi’s spiritual practice includes moving and removing thick and dark energy, as well as providing clarity and direction.


Cannonball tree, commonly known as Ayahuma (Couroupita guianensis). The Ayahuma tree is a large tree that may reach heights of 55 meters. It gets its popular English name (cannonball tree) from the fact that it bears big spherical fruits that look like cannonballs. Because of their excellent antibacterial and antifungal characteristics, these fruits are used topically to treat skin disorders and clean wounds. Because of its anchoring power, Ayahuma is utilized to help us recover from emotional shocks and release old traumas when consumed. Ayahuma was described by one of our employees as “soft yet forceful, a sympathetic teacher.”

Ayahuma is soothing and energizing, softly opening our hearts to compassion for ourselves and others. As a real Master Plant, Ayahuma helps dieters to perceive the world more shamanically, opening our eyes to the web of existence in which we are embedded. When used in combination with Ayahuasca rituals, the herb is especially potent.


Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia) is a shrubby tree native to the Amazon basin that grows along river banks and streams. The plant’s magnificent pink to reddish powderpuff-like blooms emerge twice a day, at 4 AM and 4 PM, making it simple to recognize. Because of its therapeutic powers, Peruvians know and cherish Bobinsana. Its roots can be used to make a depurative for strength and vitality, since it strengthens the immune system. To treat arthritis, rheumatism, musculoskeletal symptoms, edema/oedema, and uterine illnesses, a tincture of its bark can be made. The plant includes COX-inhibitors, which are used to treat arthritis, according to Swedish research.

Bobinsana is a revered Master Plant Teacher, and shamans employ it for its spiritual properties. We’re very excited to work with Bobinsana because of its gentle heart-opening properties and potential to teach us Self-Love. We’ve found that sticking to the conventional dieta of 3 drinks of Bobinsana in isolation followed by 5 more days of isolation yields the best effects, for a total of 8 days of isolation. The five days of solitude following the initial three drinks are critical because the drug will continue to act deep within you throughout this period. Ayahuasca ceremonies are traditionally performed to begin and finish the dieta. You can think of the opening ceremony as asking the plant spirit for a right of passage and the closing ceremony is for gratitude for all that it has given you, and to ‘seal’ all beauty within

Dieta Completion and Commitment

For comprehensive integration and benefit, like with any plant medicine practice, passion, commitment, and completion are essential. Breaking dieta too soon can have major health and energy consequences, thus it’s critical to follow the dietary advice given to you.

If one chooses to abandon the diet before completing the needed commitment, they risk developing health problems. This condition is known as “cruzado” or “crossed” in Spanish. Confusion, flu-like symptoms, UTIs or bladder infections, and tactile sensitivity are all signs of this illness.